The Zucchini Cake

So, it all started when I went off my computer, (I was playing ROBLOX!!!!!) and went into the pantry. All the food was gone! Except for a cake at the top draw. I got on a stool and picked it up and put it on the bench There was a note on the cake.
I picked up the note and read it. It said 'This cake is made of zucchini!' I wanted to die. Who would put zucchini in a cake? I walked to the cake shop and all they had for sale were zucchini cakes! I went home feeling like I would lose faith in humanity, but the final straw was when I looked on
There were zucchini cakes! Now I really wanted to die. I got my hydraulic press and squashed my own skull. Much better. Now I don't have to live in a world with zucchini cakes.